Theatre: Alice Book of Will Burlington Players David Dooks Blair America, America The Player's Ring Joan Bigwood Fidelia Ghost Story Fire Escape Plays R.D. Murphy Nicky The Smell of the Kill Georgetown Theatre Workshop Gael Nappa Joan All Because of Agatha Georgetown Theatre Workshop Renee Heusser Gayle + Pat Almost Maine Theater Company of Saugus Matt Garlin Nan Exit, Pursued by a Bear Theatre on Fire Darren Evans VariousOne Minute Play Festival Boston Playwright's Theatre Ben Evett Melissa The Savannah Disputation Company Theatre Lisa Rafferty Little Red Don’t Eat the Apples The CoLab Theatre Co. Victoria Townsend Coral The Little Mermaid Wheelock Family Theatre James Byrne Joy Aloha say the Pretty Girls Holland Productions Krista D’Agostino Lorene The Time of Your Life Fort Point Theatre Channel Marc Miller Jo March Little Women Bradley Playhouse Tonya Brock Dolly The Threepenny Opera Conn. Rep. Theatre David Dalton Catherine Proof Bradley Playhouse Bill Corriveau Maureen North Shore Fish Conn. Rep. Theatre Kristin Wold Sketchbook Scenes from an Execution Conn Rep. Theatre Nick Dillenburg Cinderella’s Mother Into the Woods Conn. Rep.Theatre Cary Libkin Voice- Over: Woman Community Bank Radio Van Ness Creative Group Paul VanNess
Education: BFA Acting - University of Connecticut Suzuki Actor Training 3 years Movement work: Suzuki, Laban, Viewpoints, Lecoq Basic Stage Combat: Hand-to-hand and armed Singing: Carol Mastrodomenico, Patrick Gagnon Special Skills: Sports: softball, basketball, roller skating, ice skating biking, rock climbing, swimming, kayaking; Singing: Broadway, Classical, Hymns, Spirituals; MA Driver’s license; costume construction and stitchery; knitting; neutral and larval mask